Hypnobirthing with Megan is a childbirth education program teaching the Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program. These in person classes are run in Lilydale, Victoria.
The Positive Birth Program is evidence based, easy to follow and provides you with the tools, knowledge, support and preparation you need for a positive and empowered birth - no matter what type of birth you have.
You are not just sitting and listening all day, it is very interactive! We will use the birth ball, yoga mat and practise positions for labour. You will also have plenty of opportunity to ask all your questions.
In the Positive Birth Program your birth partner is included every step of the way. They will learn how to support you, to advocate for you. They will leave the course with a new found confidence and with the knowledge and skills to support you in your birth.
‘Hypno’ birthing refers to self-hypnosis (deep relaxation) techniques used in the lead up to birth that can help you release your fears surrounding birth, condition yourself to release endorphins, and have a more calm and positive experience. Hypnobirthing is not about putting you in a ‘trance,’ you will learn how to put your body in a deep state of relaxation, while completely aware.
However, despite the name Hypnobirthing, the Positive Birth Program is actually full of information and education about every aspect of pregnancy, labour and birth.
In this course you will learn techniques such as breathing, massage, visualization, affirmations, acupressure and self-hypnosis. These will be your tools to use in your birth. You will also learn about how to position yourself optimally for your pelvis to support your baby moving through, and active positions for labour!
In the Positive Birth Program your support person is included every step of the way. They will learn how to support you, to advocate for you. They will leave the course knowing exactly what their role is and how crucial they are in your birth experience.
For a comprehensive outline of everything you will learn in the course, click HERE
To check out Hypnobirthing Australia’s website click HERE