Erin’s Birth Story - A positive Induction

Erin attended the September 2022 Positive Birth Program. I am so grateful to her for sharing her wonderful, positive Induction story. I hope that it can help someone who may be having an Induction.

“I was induced at 39w4d due to a mixture of factors including that he was a "big baby", that I was taking insulin to manage GDM (Gestational Diabetes) and reduced movement. I was devastated about being induced but ultimately decided it was best to proceed. It ended up going really well all things considered and I only have positive feelings about it.

I had two stretch and sweeps in the lead up (requested by me) where they told me I was already dilated 2cm first time and 3-4 cm on the second time - they were very surprised! I wasn't feeling any pain or contractions.

In the days leading up I continued with hypnobirthing tracks, acupuncture appointments, walking, expressing colostrum etc. I also lost my mucous plug two days before birth. So my body was already gearing up. This was good because it meant I didn't have to be admitted the night before for cervical ripening. On the day all they had to do was break my waters! This happened at 3PM and we requested time to see if I would go into labour on my own which I did. Contractions were coming strong by 5PM and I wasn't getting much break. I had no vaginal examinations during labour (they didn't ask to check).

I spent most of the time laboring on the toilet. I got through the contractions using a TENS machine and I requested the gas which also helped. I was also focusing on my breathing and I was very loud at times. I was also thinking to myself about the pain being temporary/my body working to bring me my baby. Everything happened so quick there wasn't time to ask for anything else (epidural). I also had low platelets and they explained when we started that they needed more blood taken and that only certain anesthetists would perform it.

They requested I move to the bed when he started crowning. They were having difficulty monitoring baby with the CTG. I stayed in active positions on all fours and then on my side. Not sure how long I pushed for but before I knew it he was here at 7:42PM. I have a 2nd degree tear which sucks but I have my beautiful baby to distract me. They were stitching me for 2 hours afterwards which was also hard.

The class we did with you was so beneficial and I tried to revise/practice everything in the lead up which I think really helped. Josh did so well helping me during labour and we got through it together. The midwives even commented about Josh being so calm throughout and a good source of support. They also commented on me being quite well informed. I'll be recommending hypnobirthing to any friends who fall pregnant so that they can get the same benefits!!!!


Ashley’s Birth Story - A positive Induction